Nose: A pleasant honey sweetness opens the bouquet, accompanied by clear woody notes. Cumin lends a spicy depth, while candy floss and marshmallow contribute a soft, almost playful sweetness. Fruity nuances of apple provide freshness. A slightly medicinal note of chlorine resonates, while the impression of stock cubes adds a spicy, umami flavour.
Mouth: Powerful attack with a dominant peppery spiciness, followed by a noticeable sweetness. The wood notes are more prominent and give the whisky a dry, slightly bitter structure. The fruit is less present here - mushy pear brings a subdued fruitiness that is not overt, however. The texture is slightly dull. With water, the whisky opens up noticeably and develops a more pronounced sweetness.
Comments: Medium to long, tart and peppery, with a dry woody note.
Nose: A further development of the 10 year old (WB 250591) with more depth and complexity. Fruity notes dominate at first, especially cocktail cherries and apricots. Vanilla and tea notes are reminiscent of freshly baked cake, while marzipan adds a fine almond flavour. The woody notes are more present but well integrated.
Mouth: Soft and harmonious with a distinct sweetness. Gooseberries bring a slight acidity, while the combination of coconut, pineapple and spices (cinnamon, nutmeg) lends an exotic note. The wood is spicier than on the nose, but remains well integrated. With water, the fruitiness unfolds even more strongly. Despite the high alcohol content, the whisky remains extremely drinkable.
Comments: Long and pleasantly peppery, with a lingering sweetness. Very round and harmonious.
Nose: Komplex und vielschichtig mit deutlichem Sherry-Einfluss. Eine erdige Grundnote prägt das Aroma – altes Holz, feuchte Erde und Pilznoten erinnern an einen Waldboden. Eine muffige Komponente ist wahrnehmbar, die sich jedoch harmonisch ins Gesamtbild einfügt. Menthol sorgt für eine frische Nuance, während Kräuter wie Boxhornklee, Estragon und Majoran eine würzige Facette hinzufügen.
Mouth: Kräftiger Antritt mit dunkler Frucht – Kirschen und Schwarzwälder Kirsch treten markant hervor, begleitet von intensiven Sherry- und Holznoten. Menthol sorgt für eine kühle Frische, während der Pfeffer den Alkoholgehalt spürbar unterstreicht.
Comments: Sehr lang, pfeffrig und intensiv, mit anhaltenden Holz- und Gewürznoten. Ein ausdrucksstarker Whisky mit Charakter.